♥ Saturday, September 29, 2007
im trying to maybe blog the last entry before i leave singapore for my taiwan trip #2.
last min wrap up packing of luggage.
the last thing i put into my luggage moments ago was my mario. hehe.
just had dim sum for supper in malaysia at like 1am just now.
but i didnt get what i want in the end so defeats the whole purpose.
i hope i dont forget to bring anything.
i wanna do DIY french manicure on the plane. sounds cool.
ok bye. be back 11 days later.
bye spore for now.
♥ Saturday, September 22, 2007
yeah suju's 2nd album come out on music bank.
<3 donghae..... 's hair
i dont like the one in suju with red hair. =X OOPS. heeeeeeeeeeCHEW. haha
i think i need to sleep early. but im watching their stuffs.
i need to wake up at 7 for work tml.

last but not least. the violin boy; henry.
taiwanese. goes to canada. then korea.
♥ Friday, September 21, 2007
actually im still not used to the new image of suju album 2.
and i keep thinking that donghae's hair will be damn ugly.
then end up all the promotion pictures werent able to clearly show his hair. some of his were even with cap.
only until a moment ago. i was watching the making of the mv.
godly. i swear i love his hair. AND THE COLOR. like bird nest.
but i really think i like it anot.
they all look v tanned, more like dirty to me. hahaha
i dont know is they apply or its all the explosion and smoke in the mv that caused that.
and the whole album the most i like is donghae's solo parts. his voice is damn nice.
the part i like most of dont don is actually the violin part. hahaha.
and im super curious who is the one playing the violin.
he dont look like hes someone from suju.
i think the making theres one quite funny part.
there are like explosion and smoke in the background. den these few from suju are suppose to walk towards the camera with those damn cool ways lah.
hankyung was flirting with his lips. (HAHA I DONT THINK YOU WILL GET WHAT I MEAN)
heechul was licking his own fingers. LOL AS USUAL. but quite ugly cause i dont like his red hair.
wed was out with jiaying. to spend her half day leave. hahas.
it was shopping.fbts.sakae.strudel.etc.
damn fun the whole day. and she kept losing to me over the mario VS lugi battle at the end of the day.
it was SAVA dragonboat event the last weekend.
have to work at SDBA dragonboat event this weekend.
the next weekend i wont be in spore. i will be in taiwan =D
i just passed my trial test just now. like twice already pls. the last one expired.
♥ Thursday, September 13, 2007
after watching 6versions of russk cm. im damn excited to see news in taiwan now.
and knn in fact i was looking at tego in the cm. what the hell on earth is happening.
with this sudden urge to watch the concert dvd now. since im damn news-filled now.
OH YAH MY RESULTS. knn no good lah as usual dont ask me unless you are my good friend. HAHA
but at least no supp. =D
good omen for taiwan trip. (alright i know no link at all)
at least no mugging before the trip. yippee.
i passed my iiso with a C+. alright ppl might be thinking its merely a C+ what.
yah lah. thats to the results of only finishing half of the paper ok.
i think our assignment she must have really given us good grades. (yah my pepper lunch board =D)
else like jasmine says the half of the paper that i've done must have scored well.
apparently, at least for now this one minute. i dont yearn to see my leedonghae.
because of all the shaving of head, one side of long fringe, hair color nonsense now.
return to the red sun pv hairdo please. =P
the most normal person in suju will have to be heechul.
because he has show to answer for. heard yesung has green on his hair. MUAHAHA.
ok enough said. bye.
♥ Sunday, September 09, 2007
participated in wetseal spree yesterday. ordered my hello kitty tee. 
was actually pondering whether to get because i kept having this thinking that
"im going taiwan; i can get loads of other stuffs there with the money."
but i was still unable to resist the temptation. so i went ahead with it.
today is 9th sept. 20 more days to taiwan trip.
no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
but im still anticipating! wah lao. damn cool lah. we are going so many days. might as well just migrate there. and news concert =D
i hope i will be able to see leedonghae too. but preferbly not with the shaved head.
my new favourite is yamamoto yusuke.
damn cute. hahaha

♥ Saturday, September 01, 2007
exactly 1 week ago, marked the commencement of my first paper. now im done with all the 5 papers. the last one was majorly screwed. the other 4 were not bad lah. just hope i wont do too badly.
i wasnt able to finish doing the iiso paper lah. in fact i only finished like half the paper. damn. i spent 1 hour to finish the swimlane. and i was left with another 1 hour to finish the 3 + qns which were worth 70marks. if i pass, then it must MIRACLE. LIFE COULDNT GET BETTER.
29 more days to taiwan trip.
its nearing.............................. shit.
i dont have any money lah.
but im quite excited about it now.
more than 10 days in taiwan theres so many things we wanna do and wanna go.
i bet it will be fun, cause we have planned yrs ago to go together. finally the chance is here.
and news concert =D i hope my husband uchi will be present.